Virtual (Zoom) Visit Conditions

Prisoners and visitors are subject to the following requirements when participating in virtual (zoom) visits:

  • Virtual visits are supervised by Correctional Officers
  • All virtual visits have appropriate safeguards in place and are recorded by the TPS
  • Correctional Officers will conduct identification and operational checks prior to virtual visits occurring, ensuring the visit commences on time and is carried out for the entirety of the scheduled time frame
  • Visitors must provide identification to Correctional Officers for all visitors present at the onset of a visit
  • Visitors must be in the virtual waiting room 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the visit
  • Visitors must not take screenshots of prisoners
  • Visitors must be in a private room or if outside, in a private area, NOT in a public area
  • Visitors must NOT be driving a vehicle
Last updated: 15 September 2022