Gifts Benefits Hospitality

This policy sets out the broad principles to be applied by and to all Department of Justice (DoJ) officers and employees in relation to the offer, acceptance or refusal of a gift, benefit or hospitality.

The Tasmanian community expects high standards of integrity, impartiality, transparency and the responsible use of resources from all state service officers and employees. DoJ officers and employees are expected to be honest and transparent in their dealings, make unbiased decisions and provide unbiased advice, avoid real and perceived conflicts of interest and earn and maintain public trust. The acceptance of gifts, benefits or hospitality by a state service officer or employee may lead to a conflict of interest between an officer or employee’s personal interests and public duty, and may call into question a decision that is made, a contract that is awarded, or advice that is given by the employee or DoJ.


Last updated: 2 October 2023