Our responsibilities

The Strategic Infrastructure Projects unit initiates and manages major projects within the Tasmanian Department of Justice.  The projects focus on the infrastructure required to provide for custodial corrections in the prisons and access to justice through the courts.

Our projects align with government policy and funding. We follow contemporary project management principles and adhere to State Service guidelines. We ensure project outcomes that conform to both Australian and international standards.

Our challenges

Our challenge is to plan and manage our budget, infrastructure and resources to ensure the best justice and correctional outcomes for Tasmania.

Our aims

We aim to deliver fit-for-purpose solutions, and to meet the Tasmanian Government's policies and objectives.


Our projects offer opportunities for local providers of goods and services.

Future opportunities and requests for tender are advertised on the Tasmanian Government's tenders website.

The construction of new facilities also brings benefits to the local economy.

Questions or comments?

Feel free to contact us at:


Last updated: 19 November 2018