Strategies for improving throughcare for offenders

While continuing to support the goals of Breaking the Cycle, Corrections also needs to increase its focus over the coming years on assisting the effective and smooth transition of people from their first contact with Corrections to successful reintegration into the community.

To achieve this, the Minister for Corrections, Dr Vanessa Goodwin MLC, launched Breaking the Cycle – A Safer Community: Strategies for Improving Throughcare for Offenders on 29 August 2016.

This document contains additional goals and strategies that support Throughcare and will sit alongside the Breaking the Cycle: A Strategic Plan for Tasmanian Corrections 2011-2020.

The goals and strategies below are a mixture of long-term and short-term actions to be undertaken in Corrections and are the result of extensive consultation with stakeholders.

Corrections will prepare a report on progress and implementation of the high level strategies annually for publication.

What is throughcare?

A coordinated, collaborative approach to reducing the risk of reoffending and successful reintegration into the community. It covers all who come into contact with the justice system from their initial contact to completion of their sentence and return to the Tasmanian community.

Our vision

To provide a quality and collaborative throughcare model in partnership with other agencies and the community that supports people across the Corrections system, with coordinated assistance and interventions to maximise the potential of each individual.

Our goals

  1. To improve the organisational structures across Corrections in Tasmania to support throughcare.
  2. To improve the assessment and management of each individual from their first contact with the corrections system by enhancing our relationships with other service providers and through more effective sharing of information.
  3. To contribute to a reduction in reoffending by case managing individuals throughout their sentence and by providing interventions and opportunities to enable each person to achieve positive and sustainable changes.
  4. To recognise the valuable role community and family play in rehabilitation and reintegration by providing opportunities for individuals and their families to engage in mutually supportive activities during supervision or imprisonment and through increased community engagement.
  5. To ensure that individuals have their reintegration needs met through post-release support services arranged pre-release and by supervision in the community where appropriate.
  6. To enhance information technology systems across Corrections to support the integration of services and improvements to throughcare.


Breaking the Cycle – A Safer Community: Strategies for Improving Throughcare for Offenders 2016-2020 (PDF, 5.3 MB)

Major Initiatives

Read about the major initiatives of Breaking the Cycle.

Report on progress

To find out about progress on implementation of the strategies for improving throughcare for offenders, view our report for 2018.

Further information

For further general information, please email