Conflict of Interest Policy

DoJ staff have a duty to always put the public interest above their personal interests when carrying out their official duties. A conflict of interest may affect a person’s judgement as to what is in the public interest, or may lead to a bias in their decision making. Likewise, the perception of a conflict of interest affects the public’s view that can also lead to a perception of bias.

It is not always possible to avoid a conflict of interest and a conflict of interest is not necessarily unethical or wrong.  However, it is imperative that a conflict of interest is declared and managed in a way that is transparent and open to scrutiny.

It is important that any actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest is identified, disclosed and effectively managed (including avoided if possible). Management of conflicts of interest must be fair, transparent, accountable and free from bias.

Failure to adhere with this Policy may amount to a breach of the State Service Code of Conduct.

Conflict of Interest Policy (DOCX, 54.1 KB)

Last updated: 2 October 2023